Special Fire Bonus

It is rather common in scrolling shooter games to find power-ups that give the player extra fire power, repair the damage, give extra points, give an extra plane, etc. Such power-ups can appear when the player shoots a plane or they might simply be encountered during the flying.


For example, you can have a special fire bonus (ability to shoot more bullets) when the player reaches a score of 50 and another one when he reaches 100 points. In a proper game you'd make it more like 400 and 1000 but we want it to be easy for testing.

Obj: myplane

Go into the main plane's Space Bar event. The default is 15 for the alarm after shooting...

Add a Test Score action (if the score > 50). If so we'll set the Alarm to 10 (bit faster), otherwise the Alarm will be the normal amount we had.

Add Start & End blocks around the new Alarm action like this...

Inside the Start & End blocks we'll do the following...

  1. Test Score: test if score > 100
  2. If so, Set Alarm: set alarm to be super fast, only "5"
  3. If not (score >50, but not 100) Else...
  4. Set Alarm: set alarm just a bit faster, "10"

So it now looks like this...