
Obj: goal

In order to go to the next level, the player must reach the goal.

Create a new object goal. Set the sprite to the flag or exit sign sprite (from "more points, goals" folder).

Set the event to Collision with person...

Then add the following actions...

  • Sleep - pause for 1000 milliseconds (defeault, = 1 sec)
  • Set Score - get 100 points for completing the room (relative)
  • If next room exists
  • Go to Next Room
  • Else
    • Display Message: type in something like "congratulations, you've finished the game"
    • Show Highscore Table
    • Restart the game


Go into your room and add the flag in a corner. 

Test it out.

  1. When you reach the flag, you should get the pop-up message... say [OK].
  2. Then you'll get the highscore table. When you [Enter], the room starts over.