Create the enemy1 object.
First add a Create event where it moving downwards with
Add a Step event.
Change the room grid to 32x32.
Then 3-4 enemy1 planes in your room and test it out
We'll create a controller to keep creating enemy1 planes with a bit of delay.
Create a new object enemy 1 controller with no sprite.
Put the enemy 1 controller object somewhere near the bottom of the room...
Also delete the enemy1 plane objects from the room.
Test out if it works. If it does, continue.
Start by duplicating enemy1 to create enemy2 - change the sprite for now.
Create a new object - enemy 2 controller - with no sprite.
To check that it works, go into your room and add enemy 2 controller object.
Duplicate the enemy1 object again to create enemy3. Change the name and sprite.
Create a new object enemy 3 controller with no sprite.
Now add the enemy 3 controller to your room.
Test it out and make sure you see all 3 planes flying down.