Now that we're designing a room with graphics, we need to set our main block object to be invisible.
Open the blockH object you have and set the parent to block. Also make it invisible.
We need 2 more block objects that will function the same as blockH. You can just duplicate blockH and just changing the name and sprite to create them.
So you should have these block objects in your list...
For all your rooms, add blocks:
block - floors, columns, platforms, ramps
blockL and blockL - grass/platform edges
blockH - clouds, ramp
Go into Room 1 and start by adding the whole block objects to the floor and platforms, and columns.
Now add blockR to the left edges and blockL to the right edges of the grass and platforms.
Add blockH objects to the clouds...
In Room 2, you have a ramp. First add whole block objects where you can...
Then add blockH between the whole block objects...
If you have all your blocks in, turn off the grid so you can see you didn't miss any...