
In this game the player will collect mushrooms. 

obj: mushroom

Create the mushroom object, giving it a depth of 10. 

To give a bit of variation, the mushroom sprite contains 10 different mushrooms sub-images.

Add a new Create event. Set it so when the room loads, it randomly picks which subimage to show for each mushroom object.

    • Change Sprite: subimage = "random(10)", speed = 0

collecting mushrooms

In the character object, add a Collision with mushroom event. 

  • Play Sound (mushroom)
  • Set Score: give player 10 points
  • Destroy Instance: other (= mushroom)


Add about 6 mushroom objects to your room (on floor & platforms).

When you play the game, you should see different mushroom sprites.

If you collect some of the mushrooms, the score should go up.