Here are some of the GameMaker variables you'll be using:
- x
- y
- hspeed
- vspeed
- speed
- direction
- image_index
- mouse_x
- mouse_y
- room_height
- room_width
The Origin (0,0) of the plane is usually in the upper left corner.
- x = positive number = to the right
- x = negative number = to the left
- y = positive number = down
- y = negative number = up
This also applies to GameMaker variables for horizontal speed (hspeed) and vertical speed (vspeed):
- hspeed > 1, = to the right
- hspeed < -1, = to the left
- vspeed > 1 = down
- vspeed < -1, = up
Directions are measured in degrees, where 0 degrees is to the right, 90 degrees is straight up, 180 degrees is to the left, 270 degrees is straight down.