This course is part of the Applied Skills 8 rotation (~20 classes/8 weeks). Students will explore and develop creative and critical thinking skills. Students will create games, loading and
editing sprites, creating objects with events and actions, designing levels with objects and tiling backgrounds. Students are expected to use class time wisely and ask for help when needed.
Students will receive a rubric sheet with their report card detailing their progress in the objectives/skill areas for each assignment/unit. The levels are:
No participation: student missed those skills due to absence, did not complete that part of the assignment or project due to lack of focus/time, or did not make enough
progress on a project to get to this skill area.
Beginning: student made some progress in this skill area
Developing: student made good progress in this skill area, completing most of the steps/assignment; not able to complete the steps independently, needed a lot of
Applying: student made good progress, completing all assignments/steps with some correction/help
Extending: student completed all steps in the assignment with no correction/help; or student went beyond the assignment requirements