Open the starting file in your Z: folder with all the sprites. If you expand the Sprites folder, it should look like this...
Create a new wall object - just set the sprite and make it solid.
Create new object bat_left, select the sprite.
Add a new event: W-Key (under Keyboard>Letters>..."W")
Add the following action:
Now duplicate the previous event and set it to the S-Key...
Duplicate to create bat_right object.
Change the sprite name and sprite ...
Change events so the player on the right will use the up and down arrow keys.
Test this in a level. Create a room, leave grid default size 16x16.
Test it out; make sure the bats move up and down with the right keys.
So far the bats can move, but there's a problem. They can also move out of the room! So we have to fix this with the following.
Go back into the bat_left object...
Go back into the bat_right object...
Test it out - make sure it works before moving on to the next stage.
Create 2 new objects. Set them to the right sprite. Make them invisible so the player doesn't see it (uncheck the "Visible" box).
Create a new object ball. Set the sprite.
First, we'll get it to move on its own and bounce off the walls and bats...
Now we'll make sure that if it leaves the room, instead of disappearing, the ball will go back to its starting position...
You can duplicate the previous event for the Collision with score_right event...
Then just delete the Set Score action and replace it with Set Lives - set it to "1", relative (we'll use this to keep track of the right player's points)
Test it out.
Make sure the score is zero every time the game starts, so in the ball object's Create event, add the following actions:
Create a new object scores; no sprite.
Place the scores object anywhere in your room (it'll be marked with a question mark).
Test it out. You're done. Play it for a bit so I can see the score shows up and is working...